Upcoming Coaching
Events & Trainings
Tue &
Mindset Coaching with The Work by
Katie Byron

TUESDAYS AT 18:00 - 19:00 CEST (Berlin time) AND THURSDAYS AT 10:00 - 11:00
Still not living your dream life / career or launching your dream business? Not making the changes you want to see in your life and career? Feeling stuck in your corporate job without any passion? Not believing in yourself?
If you’re not going for /living the dreams you have in your heart, it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong, that it's your "fault" or that it's not possible for you (notice how these are just stories in your mind!) 💗 It just means that something in your inner world is innocently holding you back (your inner blocks - limiting beliefs, self-doubt, criticism, comparison, fear of rejection, fear of failure,...)
Yes, strategy matters. A plan is very helpful.
But what’s even more important is the inner stuff.
Success is 80% INNER GAME: Your beliefs create your reality, so if you want to change your reality, change your beliefs. ✨
That’s what you’ll do during the Mindset Classes: find and overcome what’s really holding you back, as Katie Byron says, one belief at a time until you start to change, your actions start to change and your world starts to change.
What you can expect during our Mindset Class:
Live mindset coaching + you’ll get a chance to get coached live by me
I’ll take you through the most powerful process I know to shift limiting beliefs (which actually works!) - The Work by Katie Byron, which I combine with transformational coaching (emotional, unconscious, somatic) to create change at an even deeper level
Perspective & identity shifts
This is for you if you:
Feel stuck and aren't making the progress you want in your career, business, a passion project, life
Know that you’re getting in your own way with negative self-talk, self-doubt, excuses, criticism…
You don’t believe in yourself and have imposter syndrome
You’re not going for what you want because you’re scared or don’t think you’re good enough / that it’s not possible for you
Want to be consistent and move into action with ease
Want to overcome your limiting beliefs and come into your power
If you do this work regularly (I recommend coming to bi-weekly sessions), your life and perspectives will transform because when you shift your inner reality, your outer reality inevitably has to change.
Here’s what you’ll experience as a result of this work:
Feeling more confident, believing in yourself and what you do (overcoming fear of rejection, fear of failure, that people won’t take you seriously, that you’re not good enough, that you don’t know enough, worrying what people will think of you)
Overcoming your upper limits (increasing your income, going to the next step in your career, launching/growing your business)
Coming into your full potential (going for projects & positions you want, being successful, making an impact)
Showing up consistently for your vision & goals
Going from thinking to doing - not by pushing, but by looking at what’s actually holding you back (negative self-talk, self-doubt, self-sabotage...) and then making the outer changes
Becoming the person you want to be, living the life you want to live
Feeling happy, empowered, content, worthy and at peace
Enough with keeping yourself small. It’s time for you to step into your full potential and go for what you really want - with EASE and LIGHTNESS.
This is life-changing work and it would be an honor to support you on your journey to feeling more confident, courageous and creating the life + career you want.
I can’t wait to see you there! 🫶🌷
Drop in PASS: 42 €
Bundle of 5 PASSES: 167 € (you save 43 € and get 1class for FREE, to be used within 3 months)
You'll receive an email with the payment links after you register.
Break free from your limiting beliefs so you can create the life & career you deserve

TUESDAY, 03.09.2024 - THURSDAY, 05.09.2024
14:00 - 14:30 CEST (Berlin time)
✨ Feel like you're getting in your own way?
✨ Compare yourself to others?
✨ Don't think you have what it takes for that dream job / dream position / career change / starting your business or being your own boss?
Your thoughts create your reality.
Depending on your thoughts, you'll either feel small or confident... Go for that raise / project / promotion / career change or hold yourself back and stay where you are... Earn more or cap your income at a certain level... ✨💗
Success is 80% inner game - this is the SECRET of the most SUCCESSFUL people on the planet!!!
They have the tools to work with their mindset so they can change their thinking, but most people still don't know to do it. (Hint: affirmations and positive quotes aren't enough. You need to go deeper and change your beliefs at the root. 🫶✨)
If you want to learn how to change your thoughts and beliefs FOR GOOD so you can create a different reality (what you really, really, really want), join me for this powerful 3-DAY MINDSET CHALLENGE! 🎉
3 days. 30 minutes a day.
You'll challenge your thinking, shift perspectives, learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs in a way that actually WORKS and move toward your dream life & career - with EASE.
There are amazing daily prizes if you register and join us live + SHARE this with your friends so we can collectively bring this life-changing work into the world + support each other's growth. 🫶
Here's to you believing in yourself and courageously creating exactly what you want! 🎉💗
Get Unstuck & Find Clarity
with the Enneagram

THURSDAY, 18.07.2024
10:00 - 11:00 CEST (Berlin time)
What if I told you that understanding your Enneagram personality type can help change your life & set you up for success in anything you do?
Enneagram is an ancient system of 9 personality types that's so accurate you'll wonder if the creators eavesdropped on your thoughts or put a tracking device on you. 😂
Jokes aside, it shows you your blind spots and the unconscious patters, which drive 95% of your behaviour: what matters to you, what motivates you, why you do/think/feel the way you do, how you tend to self-sabotage yourself...
The best part? It tells you exactly how to build on your strengths and how to grow into your best version so that you can create a life & career you love. This is what you won't get with other tests.
In this free training I'll give you a short introduction to the Enneagram system and you’ll learn:
the one aspect of the Enneagram personality test that helps you understand how you can contribute the most in your work and where you SHINE - this will blow your socks off + do wonders for your confidence!
which quality has to be a part of your life & workplace so you never, ever, ever… EVER have to experience the Sunday scaries again
solve the mystery of what in the world you need to finally be successful with your goals and dreams
Register below to save your seat! 👇 I can't wait to see you there!